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Currently Booking: 

Don't Be Scared (1).png

"Scott is equal parts incisive brilliance and illuminating humour."

- Kevan Gilbert, CEO at Co.School


No one knows how AI will impact our workplaces, but it’s overwhelmingly clear that your employees are unsettled and afraid about keeping up with changing technology, missing out on promotions, or losing their job. 


Now more than ever employees need to believe they matter. And they do! They do the one thing AI can’t do - be human.  

Don’t Be Scared, a story-driven talk by VVI's managing artistic director Scott Campbell, will inspire your employees to step boldly and generously into an unknown future with the confidence needed to adapt in a changing world.


"Scott is smart and thoughtful and takes the time to ensure he's communicating clearly to the people around him. He's funny, professional and the kind of guy you want to be around."

- Darian Kovacs, Founding Partner at Jelly Marketing 


Book a talk and be inspired. 

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